The Pauline Art of Solomon

The Pauline Art of Solomon
HOCKLEY, Frederick, Transcribed and with Additions. Edited & Introduced by Alan Thorogood.
York Beach, Maine, USA: Teitan Press, 2016. First Edition. Hardcover. Small quarto. xxiv + 64p, [+ 144pp MSS facsimile ]. Bound in high quality black cloth, with a gilt design after Hockley stamped on the front cover, blind rules; gilt-lettered spine. Sewn, printed on acid free paper. Black "coffin-silk" endpapers. B/w & plates. Edition limited to 650 hand-numbered copies.
A significant new edition of this well-known magical text, comprising an Introduction by Alan Thorogood, a typeset transcription of Hockley's manuscript, and a black and white photo facsimile of the original Hockley manuscript. Traditionally, "The Pauline Art," was one of five books (along with the "Goetia", "Theurgia Goetia", "Ars Almadel" and "Ars Notoria") which were gathered together to form the compendium "Lemegeton, Clavicula Salomonis Rex or the Little Key of Solomon the King" which seems to have first circulated in manuscript form at the very end of the seventeenth century. This edition reproduces a transcription of a 1715 manuscript of "The Pauline Art," which was made by Frederick Hockley in 1838. "The Pauline Art" is in two sections, the first of which concerns the spirits of the twenty-four hours of the day, whose functions are "to do all things that is Attributed to the 7 Planets," their seals, and method of conjuration, whilst the second is concerned with the angels of the 360 degrees of the zodiac, with the primary purpose of determining the names and invoking the guardian angel or genius. Either deliberately or otherwise the text of the Hockley manuscript is abbreviated, and the accompanying diagrams for the most part incomplete. Thorogood addresses these issues in his Introduction and transcription, either supplying the wanting material, or indicating where it can be readily found. Importantly Thorogood provides a detailed history of the text, identifying many of its major sources (some for the first time), as well as offering corrections to a number of significant errors that had crept into the manuscript version over the years. The Introduction, Transcription, and Appendix with corrections are followed by a 144 page facsimile of the original Hockley manuscript, printed on special coated paper that gives a photograph-like quality to the reproduction. NEW book, fine condition. No dust jacket issued.