Abgrundjabōkiz – Ainaz

Abgrundjabōkiz – Ainaz
by Wurmaz
The first issue of Abgrundjabōkiz (‘The book of the abyss’), an article compendium released and financed by the Thurisan Germanic Männerbund Abgrundjaskalkaz. Contains three articles with connection to the occult esoterism within the Teutonic tradition.
1. Þeudōwulfaz – Wolves and werewolves in the Germanic tradition
2. Prehistory – A golden age?” – Altered version of an article previously published in Ixaxxar’s release ‘Clavicula Nox – Abraxas’
3. Þeudōfelufōts – The swastika and sauvastika in the Germanic tradition
94 pages.
4th edition
Hard cover (case laminate with dust jacket)