The Magma Primal

The Magma Primal
The Magma Primal "The Fire of the Dragon" by Tay Koellner
The book deals with the primordial chaos, the Materia Primal. It is a travelogue of a being that investigates energy structures of matter and fine matter. What presents itself as a sinister, chaos-
soaked science fiction, to one reader, carries keys into dimensions beyond the mundane understanding for another. To a practioner on the Left Hand Path it also might appear as a non-stop invocation of the primal chaos. You are maybe right.
Nontheless it will impact both the versed reader as well as the unsuspecting reader, by triggering on the subconscious stream of visions and seeding hidden triggers to unfold this dragon fire seed.
Consideration of the author:
For me and for my test readers (editors), sheer chaos broke free at every fiber within our everyday lives and our inner selves. The effects of the book did not wear off until they had actually read it, until I wrote down the last word. The book may hold the you spellbound while reading, until the manifestation of the invocation is spoken entirely. Therefore, beware the impakt. If you anyways decide to dare to take the plunge, I wish you a fruitful journey and rich experience.
Fearful souls, better should put back the book, now, as this is no book for comfort and cozy moods, it can tear apart worlds, inside and outside. It can traumatize but it also can reveal keys to create worlds, to the attentive traveler. There are books that should not be opened heedlessly, for they whisper between the lines. Maybe this is one of them. As the book unveiled itself, the author is a student just as any reader of this book. Lick the Dragons` Flames, if you dare.
Expect Chaos, in every fragment of your existence. It will challenge you balance. It might give you the opportunity to recreate your existence, or burn your existence within its chaos. The book is, therefore, equally addressed to me, to occultists and to completely uninitiated readers.
“The poetries and the pictures are visions and explainings, which will deepen the written, are part of the text flow and are in themselves further keys.” Tay Koellner
Ho Drakon Ho Megas!
Note: The author assumes no liability for good or negative developments that can and will be caused by reading this book, neither for psychological, for mundane or for fine matter influences.
The book is limited to 111 in Standard hard printed cover.