De Natura Rerum (On the Nature of Things)

De Natura Rerum (On the Nature of Things)


by paracelsus

Second volume in the Mysterium Hermeticum series. (Aula lucis)

Classic hardback (500 copies), 180 x 120 mm, 208 pp.

Including a “Chymical Dictionary”, compiled by John French

Nine Books on the Nature of Things is one of the most fundamental and most widely studied alchemical works of Paracelsus. Composed explicitly in order to assist the aspiring alchemist and hermetic philosopher in recognising what lies hidden in Nature, and how to induce Nature to be helpful in the Art of Alchemy, it is a veritable treasure house of natural lore for all diligent students of the Spagyric Art to draw upon, and to apply in their practice.

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